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4 September 2022 - 9 September 2022
Potsdam, Germany
Scientific Detector Workshop 2022

Scientific Detector Workshop 2022

It is our pleasure to announce that five years after the last workshop of the series, SDW2022 will be held from 4th September to 9th September, 2022, at the Telegrafenberg Campus of the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany.

Please click on:
to access the compilation of abstracts.

Albert Einstein in front of the Einstein Tower, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam (1921). Credit: AIP/Archiv

The 7th installment of a successful series of workshops will bring together the scientists and engineers who develop, produce, implement and operate the most advanced imaging sensors used in scientific instrumentation. The focus is given to the fields of astronomy and earth sciences.

We invite the submission of abstracts on:

  1. Status & plans for astronomical facilities & instrumentation (ground & space)
  2. Earth and Planetary Science missions and instrumentation
  3. Laboratory instrumentation (physical chemistry, synchrotrons, etc.)
  4. Detector materials (from Si and HgCdTe to strained layer superlattices)
  5. Sensor architectures - CCD, monolithic CMOS, hybrid CMOS, APDs
  6. Sensor electronics
  7. Sensor packaging and mosaics
  8. Sensor testing and characterization
  9. Non-astronomical applications
  10. Curved detectors
  11. Quantizing CCDs for Astronomy
  12. Simulators, post-processing tools, etc

The proceedings will be peer-reviewed and published as a feature issue of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN)


The workshop builds on a consolidated format that includes talks from the leading experts in the technology and scientific fields, and provides extensive time for discussions during oral/poster sessions, and interactive roundtables. Informal discussions continue during group activities promoted by the social and cultural events featuring the best offered by the location of choice, Potsdam. The workshop formula is tailored to keep an informal and conducive atmosphere to the exchange of information and establishing long-lasting relationships and collaborations.

Closed since 7 August 2022
Potsdam, Germany
Organised by
United States 49
Germany 34
United Kingdom 7
France 6
Australia 3
Netherlands 3
South Korea 2
Chile 1
Denmark 1
Total 106
Institute 46
Company 30
University 19
Other 10
Total 105
Profile views
Before event 628
After event 308
Total 936