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4 September 2022 - 9 September 2022
Potsdam, Germany
Scientific Detector Workshop 2022

Abstracts should be submitted to SDW2022@aip.de with an indication of the preferred format (talk/poster)

Please indicate your preferences:

  • I intend to make an oral presentation
  • I intend to present a poster
  • I intend to submit a manuscript (either oral or poster) for the proceedings

Please note that the proceedings will be peer-reviewed and published as a feature issue of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN).

Published papers can be accessed HERE

Posters can be advertised by their presenters during poster pop-up sessions. The posters will remain on display over the entire duration of the conference.

  • Poster size : A0 33-1/8 x 46-13/16 in,  84.1 x 118.8 cm
  • Each talk will indicatively be assigned a 20 minutes slot: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions. 
  • Poster pops will be at the end of each session, giving the chance to the authors to present their work with a  2-slides/2-minutes limit.

Preparation of Manuscript

Only manuscripts written with the most recent version of the LaTeX2e style file can be accepted. The latter can be obtained by retrieving the following package:

SDW2022 organisers will provide support to authors who are unfamiliar with using LaTeX.

Papers have to be accompanied by keywords. These are published together with the paper and must be chosen from the current list of key words (up to five items). 

The presentation format will be decided by the SOC, charged with the task of preparing the program, and communicated to the presenters well ahead of the conference.

The abstract submission period will close on the 7th of August, 2022. You will be notified by the 7th of August, 2022 whether you have been assigned a talk or a poster. Late submissions may be considered, but acceptance is not guaranteed.

    Closed since 7 August 2022
    Potsdam, Germany
    Organised by
    United States 49
    Germany 34
    United Kingdom 7
    France 6
    Australia 3
    Netherlands 3
    South Korea 2
    Chile 1
    Denmark 1
    Total 106
    Institute 46
    Company 30
    University 19
    Other 10
    Total 105
    Profile views
    Before event 628
    After event 308
    Total 936